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4Players GmbH is New Citizens official hosting partner, create
expand and manage your server today...


Community / Official Servers

At present, New Citizen offers two types of servers: official servers, which are managed by Specpixel Entertainment, and community servers, which are primarily owned and operated by players. Community servers differ greatly from official servers in terms of gameplay experience, as server owners can tailor their server settings to create unique gameplay experiences. For example, players can choose to join a hardcore RP server or a more relaxed casual RP server, where starting money is set to a higher value than the default server settings. Official servers run on the default parameters and settings.

Creating a community server is a great way to experience the full potential of New Citizen. Players can exercise greater control over their server and create a customized gameplay experience for others using the New Citizen framework.

For those who prefer not to deal with the hassle of acquiring a dedicated machine or VPS and setting up a server, New Citizen has partnered with 4NetPlayers, a server hosting company that can quickly and efficiently set up and customize new servers.

Players can also choose to self-host their servers by downloading the server files from Steam or the New Citizen website. By hosting the server on their personal computer, private machine, or dedicated server, players can run their own server with minimal effort. A tutorial is available to guide players through the setup process, which can be completed in a matter of minutes.

  • Server Customization: Yes
  • Self Hosting: Yes
  • Renting: Yes
Server Hosting Guide:
LAST EDITED: 11/18/2022