We have seen, a few questions circulating about if Specpixel Entertainment is a registered company.
As we are still a new studio and are organising many things, as of today ("08/24/2021") Specpixel Entertainment is a registered company.
Currently listed under, "SPECPIXEL ENTERTAINMENT PTY LTD" but a 205 and 206 form has been filed to ASIC, to change to "SPECPIXEL ENTERTAINMENT LTD." as a mistake was made during the form.
(ACN) Australian Company Number: 653 074 956
ASIC Registry: https://connectonline.asic.gov.au/RegistrySearch/faces/landing/SearchRegisters.jspx?_adf.ctrl-state=wu5efosk8_4
PTY LTD. = Proprietary limited company
LTD. = Limited company Specpixel Entertainment is a Limited company
Kind regards,
Specpixel Entertainment